In case you have your financial means lost or stolen and no direct bank or post transfer is possible (for example Western Union), the following option can be used:
Bank transfer from your bank account
Relatives, friends, employers deposit an amount of money in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sofia.
(The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides this service only in extremely urgent cases and it cannot be used for transferring funds to individuals to extend their holiday, for shopping, travelling, etc. )
In case your travel cheques, debit or credit cards are stolen, you should immediately inform the respective police force in the country accordingly.
In case your travel cheques are lost or stolen, the issuing bank and its correspondent in the respective country shall be immediately informed in view of blocking them.
In case of lost or stolen credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Diners Club, American Express, etc.), you shall immediately inform the issuing Bulgarian bank via phone call or fax, and if stolen – inform the police force. This is done in order for substitute cards to be issued.
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All Right Reserved Bulgaria Consulate Ghana
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Hon. Consul Nicolaas C.M. van Staalduinen (CV)
Address: 8 Kakramadu Road, East Cantonments, Accra – Ghana
Tel: +233
Office hours
Tuesday and Thursday
from 10:00 am to 14:00 (Until 1st February, 2019)
Ambassador H.E. Yanko Yordanov
Address: 10 Euphrates St, Aminu Kano Cresecent, Maitama, Abuja – Nigeria
Tel: +234 8033078578
Office hours
09:00am – 12:30pm